Monday, December 22, 2008

Music entrepreneurs, the online world, and two centuries!

Music Ally posted 200 music startups in 2008. Then posted that one announced its "departure". That's okay, because there were comments from readers mentioning a few they had missed. Still two centuries (or more) of the online music world.
Both elements are obviously intimidating from the perspective of a music startup. The first because of the popularity of this industry and the second because even one year out, someone folded.
As an entrepreneur one hopes that the difference between their company and the .com next door will lead to success. It is with this hope (see older post about what hope is unfortunately NOT) that entrepreneurs must persevere. I've been told many times that oftentimes half the battle in developing a company is following through on the initial idea and business plan. It is probably best to modify that statement to say half the battle is to persevere - do anything you must to see your product to the end and be successful with it. Only about 10% were focused on similar goals as Hounds to the Music, LLC; all developing the business differently with different ideas about how it "should be done".
Why were there so many online music industry companies developed in 2008? Hope and Perseverance.
Will some of them still be around when Music Ally posts the number of 2009 startups? Yes.
Why? Perseverance.
Was this a peptalk directed at me? Yup.

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